Landscape Pastel Paintings
To purchase any of these original paintings by Lorraine Roberts, please contact us. Payment methods include: e-transfer, VISA and Mastercard.
Click on each painting to open up a larger image with the title, price and details.
Pastel paintings are required to be framed under glass. Custom framing can be provided. Inquires are welcome. Some paintings are already framed and the prices reflect this cost.
Framed paintings include anti-reflective ArtGlass Water White (Museum Glass), UV 70% protection, 1/8 spacers.
Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote for shipping based on your location.
On the Beach
Pastel painting (2024) by Lorraine Roberts
36W x 24H inches,
$1495.00 (CAD) Framed with ArtGlass Water White anti reflective glass, UV 70% protection, 1/8 spacers. Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard. Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
Pastel painting (2024) by Lorraine Roberts
36W x 20H inches,
$1495.00 (CAD) Framed with ArtGlass Water White anti reflective glass, UV 70% protection, 1/8 spacers. Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard. Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
Burst of Energy
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2024), 36W x 24H inches, $1495.00 (CAD), Framed with ArtGlass Water White anti reflective glass, UV 70% protection, 1/8 spacers. Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard,
Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
Calm After the Storm
1st Place Award Winner - Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2024), 36W x 12H inches, $1495.00(CAD), Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard,
Framed with ArtGlass Water White anti reflective glass, UV 70% protection, 1/8 spacers. Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
The Dream Continues
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2024), 36W x 24H inches, $1495.00 (CAD), Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard,
Framed with ArtGlass Water White anti reflective glass, UV 70% protection, 1/8 spacers. Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2024), 36W x 22H inches, $1495.00 (CAD), Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard,
Framed with ArtGlass Water White anti reflective glass, UV 70% protection, 1/8 spacers. Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
Wishing You Were Here
Soft pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2023), 16W x 20H inches, $1195.00 (CAD), Framed, Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard.
Framed with ArtGlass anti reflective glass with 70% UV protection and 1/8 spacers. Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location. This painting was accepted into six juried exhibitions, including
Art & Color 365 Honorable Mention Award in the 2024 Open Art Competition.
Are We There Yet?
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2024), 36W x 24H inches, $1495.00 (CAD), Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard. Framed with ArtGlass Water White anti reflective glass, UV 70% protection, 1/8 spacers. Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
The Light Shines Through
Pastel painting (2023) by Lorraine Roberts
24W x 24H inches,
$1295.00 (CAD) Framed
Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard. Framed with ArtGlass Water White anti reflective glass, UV 70% protection, 1/8 spacers. Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
New Moon Rising
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2023), 24W x 36H inches, Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard, Unframed $1295.00 (CAD).
Pastel paintings are required to be framed under glass. Custom framing can be provided. Inquires are welcome.
Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
On the Edge of Eternity
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2023), 36W x 24H inches, $1295.00 (CAD), (Unframed), Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard. Pastel paintings are required to be framed under glass. Custom framing can be provided. Inquires are welcome.
Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
Afternoon Serenity
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2024)
12H x 18W inches
Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard. Unframed, $395.00 (CAD)
Pastel paintings are required to be framed under glass. Custom framing can be provided. Inquires are welcome.
Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2023), 24W x 36H inches, $1295.00 (CAD), (Unframed) Framed $1495.00 Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard. Pastel paintings are required to be framed under glass. Custom framing can be provided. Inquires are welcome.
Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2024), 36W x 18H inches, $1295.00 (Unframed) (CAD), Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard. Pastel paintings are required to be framed under glass. Custom framing can be provided. Inquires are welcome.
Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
The Bluebells Have Arrived
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2023)
18W x 24H inches,
$995.00 (CAD), Framed
Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard
Framed with ArtGlass Water White anti reflective glass, UV 70% protection, 1/8 spacers. Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
The Neverending Journey (Caledon Trailway)
SOLD, Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2023), 24W x 36H inches,
The Light Within
SOLD, 24W x 15H inches, Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2023),
At the End of the Road
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2023)
18W x 24H inches,
Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard, Unframed $795.00 (CAD).
Pastel paintings are required to be framed under glass. Custom framing can be provided. Inquires are welcome.
Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
Kinetic Force
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2023)
24W x 18H inches,
$995.00 (CAD), Framed, Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard,
Framed with ArtGlass Water White anti reflective glass, UV 70% protection, 1/8 spacers. Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2022)
24H x 18w inches,
$995.00 (CAD)
framed, Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard, Framed with ArtGlass Water White anti reflective glass, UV 70% protection, 1/8 spacers. Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2023), 36W x 24H inches, $1495.00 (CAD), Framed, Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard,
Framed with ArtGlass Water White anti reflective glass, UV 70% protection, 1/8 spacers. Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
Journey Through Rocks
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2023)
16H x 20W
$895.00 (CAD)
Framed, Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard,
Framed with ArtGlass Water White anti reflective glass, UV 70% protection, 1/8 spacers. Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location. Photo reference used by permission from Albert Handell (award winning pastelist)
In a Dream
SOLD, 36W x 24H inches, Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2023)
Autumn Glory
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2022)
24 x 24,
$1295.00 (CAD),
Framed, Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard, Framed with ArtGlass Water White anti reflective glass, UV 70% protection, 1/8 spacers. Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
In the Moment
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2023), 24W x 14H inches, $895.00 (CAD), Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard,
Framed with ArtGlass Water White anti reflective glass, UV 70% protection, 1/8 spacers. Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
All Paths Lead to Water
SOLD, Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2023), 36W x 24H inches
Birch Lane
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2023)
16W x 20H inches, Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard, Framed $895.00 (CAD). Framed, Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard.
Framed with ArtGlass anti reflective glass with 70% UV protection and 1/8 spacers. Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location
Passing By
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2023), 36W x 24H inches, $1495.00 (CAD), Framed, Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard,
Framed with ArtGlass Water White anti reflective glass, UV 70% protection, 1/8 spacers. Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
Albion Hills in a New Light
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2022)
16W x 20H inches,
$895.00 (CAD)
Framed, Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard, Framed with ArtGlass Water White anti reflective glass, UV 70% protection, 1/8 spacers. Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
Beyond the Horizon
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2024), 36W x 24H inches, Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard.$1295.00 (CAD) Unframed. Pastel paintings are required to be framed under glass. Custom framing can be provided. Inquires are welcome.
Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location. Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
Centreville Creek at Plant Paradise
SOLD, 15x20, Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2022)
Winter Solstice
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2022)
20W x 24H
$995.00 (CAD) Framed, Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard,
Framed with ArtGlass Water White anti reflective glass, UV 70% protection, 1/8 spacers. Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
Letting Go
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2022)
24 x 24,
$1295.00 (CAD),
Framed, Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard, Framed with ArtGlass Water White anti reflective glass, UV 70% protection, 1/8 spacers. Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
Sailing at Sunset
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2023)
9 x 9 inches
Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard, Unframed $195.00 (CAD).
Pastel paintings are required to be framed under glass. Custom framing can be provided. Inquires are welcome.
Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
Iris Garden
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2023)
12.5H x 9.5W inches,
Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard, Unframed $295.00 (CAD).
Pastel paintings are required to be framed under glass. Custom framing can be provided. Inquires are welcome.
Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
Bridge to Paradise
Pastel by Lorraine Roberts (2023), 24W x 36H inches, Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard. $1495.00 (CAD) Framed Pastel paintings are required to be framed under glass. Custom framing can be provided. Inquires are welcome.
Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location. Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
The Path We Walk
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2023)
24W x 18H inches,
Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard, Unframed $795.00 (CAD).
Pastel paintings are required to be framed under glass. Custom framing can be provided. Inquires are welcome.
Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
Woodland Beach
SOLD, 15x20 (2022)
Caledon Marsh
Pastel painting by Lorraine Roberts (2022)
9x12 Unframed
Archival acid free paper mounted on archival acid free foamboard, Unframed $295.00 (CAD).
Pastel paintings are required to be framed under glass. Custom framing can be provided. Inquires are welcome.
Please contact us if shipping is required and we can provide a quote based on your location.
Kaleidoscope 2024 First Prize Award Certificate
The painting, Calm After the Storm was awarded the 1st Place Prize at the Federation of Canadian Artists Toronto Chapter's Kaleidoscope Exhibition at the Pazan Gallery May 9-28, 2024
PleinAir Salon April 2024 Top 100 Finalist
The pastel painting, Calm After the Storm, by Lorraine Roberts was a Top 100 Finalist in the April 2024 PleinAir Salon Art Competition. Art Masters 2024 Art Awards
Lorraine Roberts was awarded a Finalist Award for the painting Wishing You Were Here in the Art Masters 2024 Art Awards
Art & Color 365 2024 OPEN Art Competition
Lorraine Roberts was awarded an Honorable Mention in the Art & Color 365 Magazine's 2024 Open Competition with the painting, Wishing You Were Here
Artist Invitational VIII (8) International Juried Art Awards
Lorraine Roberts won a Finalist Award for the painting Wishing You Were Here at the Artist Invitational 8 International Juried Art Awards (2024)
Shades of Red 2023 International Juried Arts Awards
Lorraine Roberts won a Finalist Award for the painting Over the Hills and Beyond in the Shades of Red 2023 International Juried Arts Award, hosted by Camelback Gallery
My Best Work of 2022 international Juried Visual Arts Competition
Lorraine Roberts was a Finalist in the Camelback Gallery's My Best Work of 2022 International Juried Visual Arts Competition with the pastel painting, Sandbanks.
Best in Medium 2024 Finalist Award for the painting, Calm After the Storm